Inauguració: 29 de juliol, a les 20.00 h | Museu d'Art Contemporani d'Eivissa
Una exposició de Douglas Gordon i Tobias Rehberger
Eivissa, 8 de desembre, 2014.- Documents familiars, cartes, estris de cuina, costura, llibretes amb notes i esbossos, discos, llibres… el dia a dia d’Erwin i Gisela Broner es podrà conèixer de primera mà gràcies a la mostra ‘Arxiu i llegats Broner’ que s'inaugura dimecres que ve, 10 de desembre, a les 19 h a la Sala d'Armes del MACE. L'exposició reuneix l'arxiu documental (plànols, objectes, mobles, dibuixos, pintures…) que Gisela Broner va llegar en el testament a tots els seus destinataris: Ajuntament d'Eivissa, Demarcació d'Eivissa i Formentera del Col·legi d'Arquitectes i Catalina Verdera. Una sèrie d'objectes i documents, de gran importància i valor representatiu i que no només podran visitar-se en el MACE, ja que la casa Broner també es converteix durant aquests dies en l'espai perfecte on reviure les vides de Gisela i Erwin Broner, apropar-se a la seva època, la seva manera de vida, i conèixer el seu amor mutu i el seu amor per Eivissa, la seva arquitectura, el seu paisatge i la seva gent.
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Dates: 27 April to 31 October 2012
Authors: Barry Flanagan and Miquel Barceló
Display: Barceló exhibition presents recent unpublished drawings and ceramics. In the first case, were made during a trip the artist made in the Himalayas in 2010, while the ceramics were produced in his new study of Vilafranca de Bonany.
The work displayed of Flanagan also consists of drawings and ceramics, which have been chosen for their entire production. In addition to these works, during the inauguration was released a piece of music composed by Adolfo Villalonga for the event, titled MACE and was also played a flute piece also by Villalonga, played by Eivissa Consort, entitled 'Bechtold 'in honor of the German artist based in Ibiza.
[widgetkit id=21]Dates: November 16, 2012 to March 4, 2013
Author: Isabel Echarri, Navarre artist based in Formentera.
Display: 19 works produced specifically for this project. It is mostly for assemblies that are exposed at the armory of the museum, whose speech is focused on chess as a metaphor for life and death.
Ruiz Sastre explains that in Echarri's work "there is a subtle tightness closed between form and matter: there are elements taken from nature: sand, reeds, dry branches, palm fiber, salt, shells..." She adds: "Isabel Echarri is creator of her own universe. Hers is one of that rare and happy cases where style does not interfere in front of the necessary freedom that both the creator and the viewer, need to deal with the object of art."